Ok. After receiving a glossy advertisement mag called the Aircraft Owner montly buyers guide in the snail mail yesterday, the third one in as many months, I've finally succumbed to the generous offer on the cover....
John, (how did they know my name?)
Cirrus wants to take you flying! For a complimentary demo flight in an new Cirrus (the grammatical error is theirs, not mine), simply return the personalized invitation reply card on page 11. We will contact you to arrange your flight.
That's it. I'm filling it in today and mailing it back to my new friends. For some reason they want to know, "How soon are you planning to purchase your next aircraft?" To which I'll answer, "12+ months", as opposed to 1-3 months, or 3-6 months, or 6-12 months. I'm a journalist. I'll have to save up a bit (like 20 years)....
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